Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure - II
List of newsletters
TELRI Newsletter No. 9
Coordinator: Dr. Wolfgang Teubert
Editors: Prof. Eva Hajicová, Mgr. Barbora Hladka
Contributions to TELRI newsletter, and address corrections, should be sent to:
hladka@ufal.mff.cuni.cz, fax: +42 2 21 91 43 09
Welcome to the Fourth TELRI Seminar with the
topic Text Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography
This issue of TELRI Newsletter contains abstracts of the papers given at
the Seminar. It will be followed by a book of proceedings which will be
published early 2000. Please see the webpages (sorry, the link is not available yet)
for publication guidlines and details of submission.
The start of TELRI II was a bit slow, but the Bratislava Seminar will
demonstrate what TELRI can offer now to the HLT community in terms of
language resources and innovative approaches to monolingual and multilingual
language technology applications. The last years have seen a remarkable
increase in research and development projects of our partners, and many of these
projects involved industrial participation. The TELRI network has become
a dependable address for high-quality service to the academic and industrial
Like the previous TELRI seminars, our Bratislava Seminar will be an
attractive forum for the exchange of tools and resources, for sharing experience
and competence, and for promoting new ideas and professional solutions.
- The Uzbek Language Automaton
- Hamdam Arzikulov, Andrey Isambaev
- Spoken corpora
- Anna Baczkowska
- ETAP Linguistic Processor and Construction
of a Dependency Treebank for Russian
- Igor Boguslavsky
- Automatic Extraction of Terminological
Translation Lexicon from Czech-English Parallel Texts
- Martin Čmejrek, Jan Curin
- Generic Bilingual Word-alignment and
Terminology Acquisition Tools
- Ido Dagan
- Encoding and Presenting an English-Slovene
Dictionary and Corpus
- Tomaz Erjavec
- Silent Anaphora
- Charles J. Fillmore
- Information structure and coreference in the
Prague Dependency Treebank
- Eva Hajičová
- Distance between Languages as Measured
by A Minimal-Entropy Model
- Primoz Jakopin
- Metalexicography and Reusability of
Bilingual Dictionaries
- Alexandra Jarosova
- INTEX for Windows Description of Bulgarian Lexical
and Grammatical knowledge
- Svetla Koeva
- Multilingual Terminology:
Does the dictionary model apply?
- Ann Lawson, Laurent Romary
- The Importance of Syntagmatic Dimension
in Multilingual Lexicography
- Ruta Marcinkeviciene
- Developing a Russian-Finnish Parallel Text Corpus
for Lexicographic Work and Translation Studies:
Towards Automation of Routine Procedures
- Mihail Mihailov, Hannu Tommola
- First Steps in Development of Morphological Classification for Computer-Aided Lexicon of Latvian
- Everita Milconoka
- The Structure of Bilingual Lexicon Entry Viewed
by DICTATOR (A Software Tool for Dictionary
Annotation, Compilation and Upgrade)
- Elena Paskaleva
- The Corpus and the Meaning of Words
- John Sinclair
- BRIDGE Dictionaries as Bridges Between Languages
- Hana Skoumalová
- A Multilingual Dictionary or a Set of
Bilingual Dictionaries?
- Helena Svobodová
- Procedures and Methods Used in Building
Croatian-English Parallel Corpus
- Marko Tadic
- Discourse and Meaning
- Wolfgang Teubert
- Tagging with Combined Language Models and Large Tagsets
- Dan Tufis
- Analysing the Fluency of Translators
- Rafal Uzar, Jacek Walinski
- Translation Equivalence and Non-Equivalence
in Parallel Corpora
- Tamás Váradi, Gábor Kiss
- Sources for Creation of Bilingual Dictionary
- the DICTATOR (Dictionary Annotation, Compilation
and Upgrade)
- Bojanka Zaharieva
- Hybrid Approaches for Automatic Segmentation
and Annotation of Chinese Text Corpus
- Feng Zhiwei
- Construction principles of multilingual
(English-Polish-Belorussian-Russian) computer
dictionary for students
- Alexandre Zubov