Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure - II

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TRACTOR - Joining the TUC

Membership of the TRACTOR User Community TUC is automatic for all TELRI project partners and TELRI Association members. There are industrial, institutional and personal membership categories. In addition, outside users may join the TUC. Membership entitles all users to access to the TRACTOR resources, membership of an information mailing list and access to the TUC helpline.

for CEE/NIS members EURO 20 per annum/EURO 50 for three years' membership
for all other members EURO 50 per annum/EURO 120 for three years' membership

for CEE/NIS members EURO 20 per annum/EURO 50 for three years' membership
for all other members EURO 50 per annum/EURO 120 for three years' membership

for CEE/NIS members EURO 20 per annum/EURO 50 for three years' membership
for all other members EURO 50 per annum/EURO 120 for three years' membership.

Please contact for more information on becoming a member.

© TELRI, 5.3.2001