John Sinclair is Professor of Modern English Language at the University of Birmingham, Adjunct Professor at Jaio Tong University in Shanghai, China, Honorary Professorial Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, Founding Editor of COBUILD and President of the Tuscan Word Centre (TWC). He is now concentrating his activities through the TWC on making language evidence from a corpus available to everyone working in the language disciplines and industries.
Wolfgang Teubert is Professor of Corpus Linguistics at the University of Birmingham and coordinator of the TELRI-II project. He has published in the fields of corpus linguistics, language change, neology and translation theory. He is Editor of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, published by John Benjamins.
Frantisek Cermak
František Cermak is Professor of Czech language at Charles University in Prague and Head of the Institue of the Czech National Corpus (see His special fields, in which he has published widely, include Czech, Germanic, Slavonic and general linguistics, lexicology and lexicography, phraseology, word formation, morphology, typology, theory of language, linguistic methodology and corpus linguistics. He is currently also a member of the EURALEX Board.