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Work Plan WP 1 Coordination Responsible partners: BIR,
Task 1.1. Financial, Administrative and Contractual Management Responsible partner: BIR The overall management will be carried
out by BIR. The Coordinator,
Dr. Wolfgang Teubert, will be supported by Dr. Ann Lawson, a half-time
researcher who will act as project manager. The management will be assisted
by the experienced financial administration of the The Birmingham University.
Task 1.2. Scientific Management Responsible partner: PRA1 The scientific work program will be overseen by PRA1. The Coordinator, Professor Frantisek Cermak, will review work to date, collate input from partners in the academic research work and plan directions for the future. He will inform all partners of plans and suggestions and invite feedback. PRA1 will be responsible to the Steering Committee and the overall Coordination in BIR. Steering Committee All decisions and the mediation of all controversial issues will be the responsibility of the Steering Committee. The members are:
The Steering Committee will meet twice a year. It will be responsible for presenting intermediate reports and the Final Report. It will prepare the material for the project evaluations. The Steering Committee will confirm changes of the work plan where necessary. Finally, the Steering Committee is responsible for the close alignment of the TELRI Association activities with the TELRI II Accompanying Measure. Work package coordinators, task coordinators, and working group coordinators are responsible for the smooth and efficient completion of their tasks and will inform the TELRI II Coordinator of any relevant issues and delays. The TELRI II Coordinator and the
Steering Committee Chairman will, by continuous communication, take all
appropriate measures that they act in complete agreement. The Coordinator
will have the last word in financial and contractual matters; the Chairman
will have the last word in all research issues.
WP 2 TELRI Networking Responsible partners: KAU Work package Networking incorporates
the activities designed to strengthen the network of TELRI partners, to
define the role of TELRI II and the TELRI Association in the European and
global language resources/language technology infrastructure, to promote
and disseminate expertise, to attract new members of the TELRI Association,
and to involve these in the activities of TELRI II. The research focus
of the TELRI Association continues to be the preparation of language resources
and tools that help to extract linguistic knowledge relevant for multilingual,
translational, and terminology applications. WP Networking will enhance
communication among members of the TELRI Association and ensure that resources,
expertise, and research results of each site will be made available to
all partners. These are the tasks in detail:
Task 2.1. Preparation, Promotion, and Organization of TELRI Seminars Working Group Members: BRA2, MOS + 3rd Local Organiser - to be confirmed. The working Group has two permanent members: KAU and BIR. It is planned to organize a seminar each in Bratislava, Moscow, and a third site in Central & Eastern Europe, yet to be confirmed. BRA2, MOS, and the third site will help prepare and organize their respective seminar. This task involves selecting a topic
and invited speakers, preparing a program of presentations and demonstrations,
selecting and preparing a conference site, involving the local language
resources/language technology infrastructure, finding local sponsors, promoting
the seminar in suitable ways, and ensuring industrial involvement. The
TELRI seminars will take place annually in conjunction with TELRI Plenary
Meetings, at Month 10, 22, and 34, respectively.
Task 2.2. Newsletter, Webpage Responsible partner: PRA2 PRA2 has agreed to continue editing
the TELRI Newsletter, which will be published semiannually in Month 4,
10, 16, 22, 28, and 34. Publication of the second, fourth, and sixth issues
will coincide with the TELRI seminars. The Newsletters will also be disseminated
in electronic form. PRA2 will also remain the webmaster of the TELRI homepage.
Task 2.3. TELRI Network Organization: TELRI List; Promotional Activities, TELRI Association, Linking, Plenary Meetings Responsible partner: BIR BIR,
as coordinator, will be responsible for organizing the TELRI network and
continue to operate the TELRI electronic
mailing list essential for the information flow and as a discussion
forum. BIR will promote TELRI
by drawing the attention of the scientific community to the infrastructure
activities and to the support TELRI can offer to multilingual research
and development. These promotional activities will be organized in the
framework of the TELRI Association. BIR
will also administer existing and new links with relevant networks, organizations,
and institutions on the European and global level.
Task 2.4. TELRI EXTENSION + Cooperation with partners from non-eligible countries Responsible partner: PRA1 To make the TELRI Association truly pan-European, PRA1 will search for potential members in those CEE and NIS countries where the TELRI Association is not yet represented or where relevant sites have been left out so far. The current plans include finding a TELRI member in Ukraine and establishing new TELRI nodes in Poland (Krakow and Lodz) and in Russia (St. Petersburg). Proposals for new members will be decided on by the Steering Committee before being submitted to the Commission for information. These new members will be included in TELRI II activities, and the budget allocations to these will be submitted to the Commission for approval. Members of the TELRI Association
from non-eligible countries, such as Serbia and Croatia, cannot participate
in the TELRI II Accompanying Measure as full partners, but they will be
invited to contribute to and draw on the TRACTOR tools and resources without
funding, they will receive newsletters and other information material,
and they will be invited to TELRI seminars.
WP 3: TRACTOR Service Responsible partner: BIR This work package brings together all activities connected with promoting TRACTOR (TELRI Archive of Computational Tools and Resources) to the academic and industrial language resources/language technology community. The task TRACTOR Network Realization is coordinated by NAN, which is in charge of the respective task in ELAN and thus will guarantee the compatibility of technical specifications. The task TRACTOR Promotion will be coordinated by TWC, due to their experience in dealing with the dictionary industry. BIR will be responsible for the task TRACTOR Network Administration/Service Helpline. A knowledge management concept will
be adopted to ensure that when TRACTOR customers access their chosen node
they will have access to the relevant expertise and service potential of
all members of the TELRI Association.
Task 3.1. TRACTOR Network Realization Working Group. Coordinator: NAN Members: ANK, BUC, MIN, GOT, LEI. The working group is constituted of members of the TELRI Association with the necessary expertise for designing the TRACTOR Network. The coordinator will be responsible for the compatibility of technical solutions with the ELAN [http://solaris3.ids-mannheim.de/elan/] Network. Objectives: The main objective is to set up the TRACTOR Network as a platform of servers through which users can access easily and efficiently the TRACTOR resources. This will take the form of an Internet-based client/server system which enables a user to contact one or more servers and select subcorpora for querying, taking into account various access conditions. The same technical specifications will be employed for the TRACTOR Network and the ELAN [http://solaris3.ids-mannheim.de/elan/] Network. Tasks:
Task 3.2. TRACTOR Promotion Responsible partner: TWC The objective of this task is to promote the TRACTOR Network to potential users within the language resources/language technology community. These users will be language industry, publishers, translators, terminologists, and research institutions. The TUC will be organized and administered within the framework of the TELRI Association. TWC will conduct membership drives directed at specific groups of potential users, based on long-standing experience in the mediation of academic and industrial approaches. Members of the TUC will pay an annual membership of 20 EURO in Central and Eastern Europe or the NIS, 50 EURO from elsewhere. They will sign a contract allowing them to use tools and resources offered by the network for research purposes. Use for commercial purposes is handled under task 3.3. We also encourage external providers of software or resources to become members of the TUC. The TUC members will be invited
to the TELRI seminars (at their own cost). These meetings will thus help
to encourage more cooperation between academic research and industrial
development. Also once a year a training course will be offered to TUC
members by TWC (at the TUC
members' cost, on a non-profit basis). TWC
has a record of conveying principles and practice of corpus linguistics
in special courses focused on the needs of users from different backgrounds.
In these courses, TUC members will be trained how to make best use of the
tools and resources offered by TRACTOR.
Task 3.3. TRACTOR Network Administration/Service Helpline Responsible partner: BIR This task comprises the negotiation
of contracts with suppliers of software and resources and the contractual
formalization of ties with the members of the TRACTOR User Community. BIR
will also operate a TRACTOR Service Helpline open to TELRI partners and
to TUC members. It will provide technical support about registration, user
profile, and technical access problems. It will also provide assistance
by guiding users and advising on the best use of the available resources
for specific tasks.
Task 3.4. TRACTOR Service Directory Responsible partner: MOS The TRACTOR Service Directory provides information about resources and NLP software available in the TRACTOR Network. In addition, the Directory presents the projects, expertise, and involvement of TELRI II members. The Directory also informs users about relevant national and European projects and about the results available from completed projects, thus disseminating findings and results and promoting technology transfer. A metadata catalogue of existing resources offered by the project partners will be prepared by this Work Package. The Service Directory will be made available in several forms such as in a printed brochure and on the Internet. Both will undergo regular revisions as more resources become available or as the access conditions vary. The Service Directory will be accessible
by the general community. It will be fully flexible and extended on an
ongoing basis as more resources become available and are "plugged in."
Each resource will be listed and described in a uniform manner according
to the relevant category (software, lexical, corpus, etc.) with documented
details of content, size, format, ownership, availability, access possibilities
for the various levels of users, cost if relevant, exact format, tools
available to be used in conjunction with the resources, and any other relevant
information. The electronic version will be fully searchable by language,
country of origin, type of data, type of access conditions, etc. A user
feedback form will be made available in order to improve and update the
WP 4 TRACTOR Tools and Resources Working Group. Coordinator: BUC Members: NAN, BUD, LJU1, SOF2, RIG This Working Group is responsible
for the coordination of all efforts to acquire tools and resources for
TRACTOR, both from members of the TELRI Association and from external suppliers.
Specifically, this task involves the definition of minimal standards to
be met by the tools and their documentation.
Task 4.1. TELRI Software Acquisition Working Group. Coordinator: RIG The objective of this Working Group
is the acquisition of proprietary and public domain tools from TELRI partners.
The Working Group will also propose technical specifications, technical
documentation, and linguistic description standards for the software to
be acquired. For adaptations necessary to meet these standards, technical
support can be granted to the software providers.
Task 4.2. TELRI Resources Acquisition Working Group. Coordinator: BUD Members: SOF1, POZ, MIN, To be confirmed The objective of this Working Group
is to acquire textual, lexical, and terminological resources for TRACTOR
from members of the TELRI Association. The Working Group will also propose
technical specifications, encoding and documentation standards for the
resources to be acquired. For adaptations necessary to meet the required
standards, technical support can be granted to the providers of resources.
Task 4.3. External Software Acquisition Working Group. Coordinator: LJU1 The objective of this Working Group
is the acquisition of multilingual, language-independent, and other relevant
software for extracting linguistic knowledge from existing resources, software
from sources outside of the TELRI Association. The Working Group will also
propose minimal standards to be met by the tools and their documentation.
For adaptations necessary to meet these standards, technical support can
be granted to the software providers.
Task 4.4. External Resources Acquisition Working Group. Coordinator: SOF2 The objective of this Working Group
is the acquisition of resources for multilingual terminology and translational
knowledge from sources outside the TELRI Association. The Working Group
will also propose minimal standards for technical specifications, encoding
and documentation of these resources. For adaptations necessary to meet
these standards, technical support can be granted to the providers of the
WP 5. Organizing Joint Research Responsible partner: PRA1 The objective of WP 5 is to conceive, structure, and prepare at least three multilateral research and development projects, answering the demands of the European multilingual NLP community. Each of these projects will fulfill these characteristics:
WP 5 will be the central research infrastructure activity in the TELRI II Accompanying Measure. It will create maximum synergy within the TELRI community. It will initiate a substantial concerted research activity, assembling the plentitude of linguistic knowledge needed for the next generation of multilingual applications. Issues to be covered: extraction
of linguistic knowledge from textual and/or lexical resources for tasks
in the areas of multilingual lexicography, translation aids, terminology
identification, and information retrieval.
(C) TELRI, 12.12.2000 |